Tuhfatul Atfaal Lessons on Idgham

In this short article, you learn about Idgham from Shaykh Al-Jamzuri Tuhfatul Atfaal, it will cover:

  • What is Idgham
  • Idgham with Ghunnah
  • Idgham without Ghunnah
  • The exception to the rule

The lines of poems that deal with this are as follows

Idgham TA
Credit to Suhaib Webb Institute of Sacred Sciences (SWISS)

What is Idgham

Idgham is quite a broad topic the Idgham with is when Nun Sakeenah or Tanween. This was explained in a previous article that you can refer to here. Whenever there is Nun Sakeenah and Tanween at the end of a word and then the letter after it is one of the letters below, also known as Yarmalun for the ease of memorization. Yarmalun represent the letter Ya, Ra, Meem, Lam, Wau and Nun.

How many types of Idgham

In the Poem, Tuhfatul Atfaal Shaykh Jamzuri spoke about the two types of Idgham one with Ghunna two without Ghunnah. But first, we must know what is Ghunnah, there is an encyclopedia of information on how to make a Ghunnah sound. Compressing all the information in a single sentence, the way I understand it is is like when you say hmmm. Whenever you speak you will release air through your mouth but for nasal sound or Ghunnah the air goes out of your nose. More accurately there is more air coming out of your nose than your mouth.

Idgham without Ghunnah (YANMU)

We just understand that the acronym that deals with Ghunnah are YARMALUN which represents the letter that DEALS with what happens when the Idgham letters are followed by the letter Nun or Tanween. Now you have to make a Ghunna sound when the YARMALUN letters meet with Nun or Tanween except for 2 letters and they are Ra and Lam.

Because it is not physically possible to make a Ghunna sound when Nun or Tanween meet Ra and Lam. This is when I realized that Tajweed is not about making audio acrobatic, Tajweed facilitates the natural way of how sounds are made, so you don’t have to worry about going to hell for not reading the Quran in the right way. So the correct acronym is YANMU for Idgham with Ghunna.

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Idgham with Ghunnah (YARMALUN)

Whenever the YARMALUN letters are followed with a Nun or Tanween, you must say it with a Ghunna. This was explained earlier in the article. However, in Tuhfatul Atfaal, it was explained that they are words that meet these criteria but they should not be pronounced with a Ghunna. These are words like Dunya, Bunyan, Sinwan. They are rare words that you don’t see often when you read the Quran except for Dunya which comes up around 115 times in the Quran.

This article is the Tuhfatul Atfaal Tajweed lessons I learned from Shaykh Suhaib Webb fromSuhaib Webb Institute of Sacred Sciences (SWISS). It is my perspective as a student of SWISS, any opinion or view therein is my own and does not represent the views of SWISS

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