
How to memorize and understand 1300 words in the Quran in just 5 minutes

How many new faces that you see every day at your local masjid, work or neighborhood? The more frequent you go to a particular place, the more often you’ll meet a familiar face. Similarly, in the Quran not all words are strangers to us, some we already know because we read and hear the Quran more than once

In this article, I am going to share with you a group of words that occur more than 1300 times in the Quran. It will take you less than 10 minutes of your precious time.. The words in Engish falls under the category of pronoun. These are words like, He, they, she, you, I, we, it, me, and your. 

In Arabic pronoun can be divided into 2 one is an independent pronoun and the other is the attached pronoun. Independent pronoun is always Rafa’ while the attached pronoun is either nasb or jarr

Independent Pronoun

An independent pronoun is a word by itself while the attached pronoun always appears as a part of a word. Now before you can know the attached pronoun it will be good to memorised the independent pronoun. It will take just approximately 10 minutes if you really want to commit them to memory. 

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The words that you see above is repeated in the Quran approximately 1300 times. Simply by memorizing them you would tremendously increase your understanding of the Quran when you read it or even when you are listening to the imam while praying. You can start by opening the Quran and look for independent pronouns. This will you in memorizing these words and it will definitely enhance your understanding of the Quran.

I can’t stress enough how important is it to know these independent pronoun in Arabic and their meaning by heart. Imagine you will immediately know 1300 words in the Quran by memorising them.

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